A RGB LCD raspberry pi hat
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47 lines
986 B

  1. EESchema Schematic File Version 4
  2. EELAYER 30 0
  4. $Descr A4 11693 8268
  5. encoding utf-8
  6. Sheet 1 1
  7. Title ""
  8. Date ""
  9. Rev ""
  10. Comp ""
  11. Comment1 ""
  12. Comment2 ""
  13. Comment3 ""
  14. Comment4 ""
  15. $EndDescr
  16. $Comp
  17. L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 J1
  18. U 1 1 60328FBF
  19. P 3600 2600
  20. F 0 "J1" H 3518 2917 50 0000 C CNN
  21. F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 3518 2826 50 0000 C CNN
  22. F 2 "Connector_FFC-FPC:TE_84952-4_1x04-1MP_P1.0mm_Horizontal" H 3600 2600 50 0001 C CNN
  23. F 3 "~" H 3600 2600 50 0001 C CNN
  24. 1 3600 2600
  25. -1 0 0 -1
  26. $EndComp
  27. $Comp
  28. L Connector_Generic:Conn_01x04 J2
  29. U 1 1 60329B47
  30. P 4450 2700
  31. F 0 "J2" H 4368 2275 50 0000 C CNN
  32. F 1 "Conn_01x04" H 4368 2366 50 0000 C CNN
  33. F 2 "Connector_FFC-FPC:TE_84952-4_1x04-1MP_P1.0mm_Horizontal" H 4450 2700 50 0001 C CNN
  34. F 3 "~" H 4450 2700 50 0001 C CNN
  35. 1 4450 2700
  36. 1 0 0 1
  37. $EndComp
  38. Wire Wire Line
  39. 3800 2500 4250 2500
  40. Wire Wire Line
  41. 4250 2600 3800 2600
  42. Wire Wire Line
  43. 3800 2700 4250 2700
  44. Wire Wire Line
  45. 4250 2800 3800 2800
  46. $EndSCHEMATC